
Yesterday I felt a little strange, hungry and jittery which is not like me. I looked over my day and knew that I had eaten plenty. Even though I had a Chai, it had been a while and I ate a nice, nutrient packed salad with it after already having eggs and black beans with garlic for breakfast. I couldn’t understand.

I was on a business call in the late afternoon after having eaten a good late lunch, and I mentioned how strange I felt. The person I was talking, who is also pretty health conscious, mentioned she gets that when she doesn’t have enough fat in her diet. AHA MOMENT!!! I’m usually pretty diligent with my eating and have plenty of healthy fats. I realized that the last couple days I didn’t eat as much fats as usual which pretty much explains how I was feeling.

As I was grocery shopping I grabbed an avocado. I felt like my body needed it. I actually didn’t get to eat it until today and my body soaked it up. I felt completely satiated after eating it with a little sea salt and pepper after my yummy homemade chicken soup.

Avocado’s are such an action-packed nutrient dense food. They are a very flavorful source of pantothenic acid, fiber, vitamin K, copper, folate, vitamin B6, potassium, vitamins E and C, plus numerous antioxidants.

The benefits of eating avocados are numerous. They are known as a “heart healthy” food, supporting cardiovascular health. They are also anti-inflammatory and help with blood sugar regulation. Unless you have an allergy you can’t go wrong with avocados.

I love them raw with a little sea salt and pepper. Sometimes I’ll squeeze a little lime. Other times I’ll add a little chopped tomato and red onion. It’s great with Romaine Lettuce along with salads and a variety of other foods.

I hope you enjoy!

Here’s to Perfect Health and Wellness!

About healthymamalivinlife

I am currently a Holistic Nutrition Educator, however, I also have a Master's in Social Work, a Certified Doula and Lactation Counselor Certifications. I have set up my life in a certain way so that I may be available to my child when he needs. At the same time I try to have as much balance as possible in my life. I believe strongly in healthy, organic living. Though this can be expensive at times, it's important enough to me that I manage. I live a Gluten-free lifestyle by choice. Either I'm Gluten-free and healthy, or I eat like I used to and remain sick all the time. Due to a very strong Gluten intolerance, I have to stay away from Gluten. I do enjoy living life optimally, therefore, I choose to stay away from as many toxins as possible, given the world we currently live. I'm happy to share my journey with you.
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2 Responses to Avocado

  1. Mmm sounds delicious with salt and pepper! I have half of one left sitting in my fridge…I’ll give that a shot tomorrow!

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